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Malignant moles also called as melanoma

Malignant moles also called as melanoma, Everybody has a bunch of moles on his or her body.  Though they are believed to be a sign of beauty, it is not the case always. Do you even know that moles are nothing but a tumor which is benign i.e. harmless. These moles are usually harmless however, some moles can turn out be tumorous or what we called as melanoma. It is also called as black tumor.  So how do we know whether a mole is a simple harmless mole or a cancerous one. We have here given detailed information about how to identify those. Melanoma is the most aggressive skin cancer with the highest chance of death. Despite being a dangerous skin cancer, it is very treatable if discovered early. If you have fair complexion, blonde or red hair, and blue eyes, prevention and early treatment are very important.

               It occurs in the melanocytes, the cells responsible for making the pigment that gives your skin its color, melanin. Additionally, melanoma can develop in your eyes and, very rarely, inside your body, like in your throat or nose. The actual reason why all melanoma occurs is unknown, although being exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunshine, tanning beds, or tanning lamps increases your risk of getting the disease. You can lower your chance of developing melanoma by limiting your exposure to UV light.

              The majority of melanomas start in normal skin, however about 30% start in moles that already exist. Given that the majority of melanomas don’t begin as moles, it is crucial to remain alert to changes in your skin. Your skin’s propensity to acquire melanoma may, however, be predicted in part by the number of moles you have.  Knowing if you belong to a population with a higher risk of acquiring melanoma skin cancer is crucial. Due to melanomas’ rapid rate of growth, delaying treatment might occasionally mean the difference between life and death.   Since melanomas have a 99% cure rate if identified in the earliest stages, knowing your risk might help you be especially alert in detecting changes in your skin and obtaining skin checks, because treatment is more effective with early detection. 


You can get melanomas anywhere on your body. Your back, legs, arms, and face are the places where they typically appear because of sun exposure. The palms of your hands, the bottoms of your feet, and the undersides of your fingernails are examples of places where melanomas can develop that don’t get a lot of sun exposure. People with darker skin are more likely to have these concealed melanomas.

Difference between harmful and harmless moles 

  1. Benign or harmless moles 
  • The cells of benign tumour do not spread from the original location to other body organs or tissues.
  • The majority of benign moles grow slowly.
  • They don’t encroach into adjoining or surrounding tissue.
  • These tumours do not spread to other body organs or tissues or metastasis.
  • When viewed through a pathologist’s microscope, the structure, chromosomes, and DNA of cells appear normal.
  • Benign tumours frequently have distinct borders.
  1. Malignant 
  • Able to reach to nearby tissue. 
  • Can shed cells that spread to other parts of the body via the blood or lymphatic system and cause new tumours to develop in adjacent tissue
  • Can reappear after being removed
  • Its shape might be irregular. 
  • When you push on them, are stay put.
  • Chronic and deadly
  • Need to be treated

Treatment plan at lotusBut occasionally, you might not be aware that you have a tumour. It might be discovered during a routine examination or screening, or even during a test for another symptom. Your doctor may order one or more imaging tests after a physical examination to help confirm a diagnosis, such as. Some moles can be removed by consulting an expert who has had enough experience in this. At Lotus, Dr. Rinu Ruth George, the expert dermatologist has seen hundreds of patients till now. She can check you for the seriousness of the melanoma and devise a treatment plan likewise.

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